I have not been back here for a while, I see. Busy doing taxes for other people and enjoying the (cold) spring weather. I guess I have to start working on some ideas. I have ideas all the time, but some are not publishable, and others come and go before I have time to write them down. Just as well, I guess.
I was just out walking my dog on our regular 6 AM routine, and there was a big turkey gobbler calling to me from the woods behind the house. I was tempted to dig out my camo and shotgun, the season is open in May, and go rambling, but the old hunter/gatherer urge is waning. The past couple of winters, the turkeys have been visiting my bird feeder on the deck on a regular basis, and the urge to hunt them has lessened. They are good eating, though. And I always loved being in the woods at sunrise and hearing that gobble ring thru the forest. Thrilling! Maybe I should just go out with the camera...
Thanks for your comment on my shot of graffiti in Budgewoi. I don't know what to say about the cost of living, it so much depends on where exactly you mean (here, on the Central Coast of NSW? Sydney? Australia?). In any case, my wife and I survive on the government aged pension, sufficient but no luxuries. Luckily, we have generous daughters who do well by us.
We are of the same age, I see (I do not remember if I noted mine anywhere that you might have seen), I was 68 in March. Health not the best, but I do enjoy trips around our coast and a bit inland with a camera. I bought a disposable one today for $5 to have a bit of fun with, folk like the retro-image, with weird faults and blemishes so I am looking forward to what it will deliver.
It is strange that your comment on my blog was emailed to me, as is the system but did not appear on the blog itself ... strange, but I have given up wondering about these things.
I like your turkey. How great to be able to blast away at the things. But I can understand you would get tired of it.
More from you with your camera please! Do you have stuff on Flickr??
thanks for your reply, addon. sounds as if you are enjoying retirement.
I believe blogger has a feature where they email you any comments on your blog, so you can approve it before it is posted, which is why you received an email.
I am on flickr as Pitcherhill39, with a few photos. I believe I am listed as one of your contacts. Look for a little fox icon. I enjoy your photos, and all those on flickr.
I always wanted to visit Australia, and especially New Zealand. Maybe in the next go-round.
I do a bit of selling on ebay, and just sold a book (maybe) to one of your neighbors in New South Wales. The world keeps getting smaller.
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